Tuesday 20 March 2012

Lecture 4 - Picture Stories

In this weeks lecture Dr Redman changed the focus from text as he took us through the topic of Picture Stories and there meaning/impact in supporting text. We focused primarily on a picture story history, what makes a great photo, advancements in technology with photography, moving pictures and photo-journalism. "A picture has no meaning at all if it can’t tell a story". These were the notes that I took from the lecture.

Picture Stories are everywhere...
  •  Advertising, Movies etc    
  •  Picture paints 1000 words

Picture stories history
  •       Australian indigenous cave stories
  •        French cave stories
  •        Holy books/Stained Glass

o   Biblical scenes
o   Illuminated letters
  •      Early Newspapers/Newsletter

o   Illustrations with line drawings
  •          Photography begins for Journalism
  •       1936 first colour reproduction in newspaper
  •     Other developments
                  o   Digital capture and upload
o   Digital manipulation
o   Digital publishing/photo galleries

What makes a great photo?

  •        Angle and Point of view
  •              Framing
  •              Focus
  •              Exposure (or light)
  •              Timing (shutter speed)
  •              Capturing “the moment”
  •              Rule of thirds (golden mean) 
  •              It’s all about human emotion

Moving photos

  •             Framing
  •             Focus
  •            Angle and Point of view
  •            Exposure (or light)
  •            Timing (editing)
  •            Capturing “the scene”
  •             Inclusion of sound dimension

 Examples of moving pictures

  •              Newsreels at the cinema
  •              Propaganda films
  •        News

 The new TV Journo
  •        VJ – Video Journalist

“If it makes you laugh, if it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that’s a good photo”

Stay posted in the following weeks for more lectures and news events

Hoo roo

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