Tuesday 13 March 2012

Lecture 2 - New News

In this weeks exciting installment of JOUR1111, Dr Redman provided us with an insight into Web Iterations, the 3 forms of media (the information web, the social web and the semantic web) and finally the challenges of online news and the issues regarding entitlement. These were my notes taken from the lecture...

Web Iterations
  •          “Old Media”
o   traditional, heritage, legacy media
o   Newspapers, magazines, radio, television

Web 1.0 – Information Web
  •        Very advertising friendly
  •        Re-purposing for the web – “brochure ware”
  •        FOCUS = Companies

Web 2.0 – “New Media”
  •        The social web
  •        Interactive/user generated
  •        E.G: Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Myspace
  •        FOCUS = Social Groups
  •        ‘Prod-users’ – Producer-Users

Web 3.0 – Semantic Web
  •        Making sense of information
  •        ‘Multi-layered questions’ – META TAGGING
  •        FOCUS = Individuals
  •        What will this mean for news?
o   Hyperlocalisation – About you and where you are (LOCAL)
o   Specific content delivery
i.      PLUS – ‘news my way’
ii.    PLUS – Advertising specifics
iii.  MINUS – Ignorance and lack of general knowledge (America)

Entitlement? Is it the death of Journalism
  •        Newspapers: Cheap, everywhere, serve their purpose
  •        Web News: Always been cheap and available
  •        Will we have to pay for news in the future? Can Rupert save save journalism with a    monetizing strategy? Will people pay for something that they feel are entitled to them for free

Web News       
  •     Entitlement: Is it the death of Journalism? (E.G: Jelly Bean)
  •        Web News has always been cheap and available but this is changing
  •        Murdoch: Value adding to News (Business Model)
  •        PAYWALL: paying for online subscription to newspapers
  •        What happens if people don’t subscribe?

Stay tuned for next weeks lecture when special guest Skye Doherty talks to us about storytelling and the meaning of text.

Hoo Roo

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