Wednesday 7 March 2012

Lecture 1 - Introduction to Journalism and Communication

So finally the university semester has started and JOUR1111 has been the best subject so far! After this weeks lecture, we were introduced to the course coordinator Dr Bruce Redman and the 3 tutors,  Ms Carmel Rooney, Ms Marie M’balla-ndi and ms Ali Rae, who all seem really nice.

Dr Redman began the lecture with several quotes from various people involved in the field of Journalism. One quote in particular caught my attention from Phillip Graham, a publisher for the Washington Post, who stated that “Journalism is the first rough draft of history” (Phillip Graham). This quote was really interesting because to me it indicated how intrinsically connected Journalism is to our ever-evolving society. 

From there, we covered the challenges and problems that is facing Journalism today, including Technology and the death of newspapers, Paywalls/social media, Public perception of journalists, User generator content and News as entertainment.

Dr Redman proceeded with more formalities by outlining the assessment and scope of topics for Journalism and Communication which included....

  • Storytelling
  • Impact of the web
  • Commercial media
  • Public media
  • Agenda setting
  • News values
  • Political
  • Economy
  • Ethics

In closing, we were left with the words “You are the journalist” which has made me very curious for what we have in store next week and for the rest of the course.

Hoo roo

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