Tuesday 8 May 2012

Lecture 9 - News Values

In this weeks lecture, Dr Redman spoke to us about news values in today's society. we looked into what news values mean, news values at work, the '12 factors of newsworthiness' (which have been altered dramatically since their creation), threats to newsworthiness and who news values are directed at. These were the notes that I took from this week's lecture.

News values
  •        The degree of prominence a media outlet gives to a story, and the attention that is paid by and  audience
  •        Impact, audience identification, pragmatics, source influence
  •        News journalism has a broadly agreed set of values, often referred to as ‘newsworthiness’
  •        Are news values the same across news services and countries/cultures?
  •        News values at work - inverted pyramid
  •        If it bleeds it leads

o   Death
o   Murders
o   War
  •   If its local it leads

o   Drought
o   Election
o   Flood
o   Local sport 
  •  Journalists rely on instinct rather than logic when it comes to the defining a sense of news values
Newsworthiness and the 12+ factors
  • 12 Factors
    • Negativity, simplicity, proximity, recency, currency, continuity, uniqueness, personality, predictability, elite nations or people, exclusivity, size 
  •  3 hypotheses

o   Addictivity
o   Complementarirty
o   Exclusion 
  •  Another thought?

o   Drama, visual attractiveness, controversy, educational value 
  •   O’neill and Harcup

o   Power of elite, celebrity, entertainment, surprise, bad news, Good news, magnitude, relevance, follow up, newspaper agenda 
  •               Masterson

o   Significance (IMPACT), Proximity (location, emotional, historical significance), Conflict (war, sport, celebs), Human interest, Novelty (Gee WHIZZ!), Prominence 
  •              McGregor

o   Visualness
o   Conflict
o   Emotion
o   Celebrification of the journalist

     Threats to Newsworthiness
  •          Journalism/commercialization of media and social life

o   Lazy, incompetent journalism
o   PR influence; tabloidization
o   Hyper commercialization

  •          Journalism/public relations
  •          Journalism ideals/realities

The people formally known as ‘the audience’
  •           People have moved on
  •           Shift of power - interwebs
  •          Its not just about big media corporations
  •          Bloggers, Tweeters etc

Tomorrow’s news values
  •        What are they?
  •         What drives decisions made in media organizations about what’s newsworthy? 

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